Presenting Kristian
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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles which guides the inclusive classroom. It suggests that a one-size-fits-all approach to instruction and assessment is not effective to meet th…
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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles which guides the inclusive classroom. It suggests that a one-size-fits-all approach to instruction and assessment is not effective to meet th…
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The students in Christine Lang’s Grade 2 classroom at Lord Roberts Elementary probably have no idea what Universal Design for Learning is but they experience it every day!
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Allison Bos describes how the use of iPad technology allows her to present activities that are more creative and accessible to all students.
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Grade 1 students at Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School in Skidegate, Haida Gwaii embarked on a transformative journey combining the tradition of oral storytelling with digital storytelling using iPads a…
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As a Provincial Resource Program, SET-BC supports school districts, classrooms, and students in all corners of BC.
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The Environmental School Project in Maple Ridge is an initiative supported by place-based, imaginative and ecological education.
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Many teams working with students who have significant physical access challenges look to eye gaze technology as a possible solution.
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Asher is a bright, attentive and social student at View Royal Elementary School in SD #61, Victoria. Asher loves to read and reads well, loves to be with his friends, likes music, loves Garage Band on…
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It’s minus 17 degrees outside and an impromptu blizzard is blowing in alongside the remaining rays of afternoon sun.
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The students used technologies such as an iPad Pro with Padcaster as well as apps such as Padlet, Book Creator, and DoInk to create connections with others and share their knowledge of the local commu…
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À Vancouver, Trafalgar Elementary est une école à deux voies qui offre un Programme d’immersion française et un Programme anglais. Cette année Laure enseigne une classe de 26 étudiants en 4ième et 5iè…
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Building Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) capacity within a school district is one of the many custom requests that can be made at SET-BC.
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Dacian is an accessibility activist and is passionate about raising awareness about this topic. He is involved in a Youth Leadership group through Community Living Victoria, and through them has led d…
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Ruben is well loved by his peers but, due to his non-verbal challenges, he sometimes finds meaningful connections with peers difficult.
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Chase is a master of switch technology and is adept at using eye gaze technology. He is a smart, determined and inspiring 17 year old with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (Type 1).
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Emerson is a grade 1 student in Ms. Brogan’s Grade 1/2 class at Blewett Elementary in Nelson, B.C. Emerson has a strong sense of character which is an asset when he needs to tackle challenging tasks. …