Sources of Light – Natural and Artificial
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In this activity, the student completes sentences about sources of light. There is also a natural and artificial light sorting activity.
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In this activity, the student completes sentences about sources of light. There is also a natural and artificial light sorting activity.
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In this activity, students practice recognizing quantities from 1 - 3 using a variety of symbols.
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In this activity students match numbers 0-20 using ten frames.
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This Sentence Set supports writing about Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Run.
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With this Connect Set, students have options for writing about the Fraser River.
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This resource provides key words and images to support writing about the Gold Rush.
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This Sentence Set supports writing about the main plot line of the novel, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
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This activity is a series of sentence frames to help students write about fruit.
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With this Sentence Set, students can write about Vancouver, British Columbia (BC).
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This activity checks students' understanding of Confederation by asking them to choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
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In this activity, the student can practise identifying signs in the community from 3 pictured alternatives.
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This book describes the main features of BC's coastal rainforests.
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This Connect Sets helps students check their understanding of chemical or physical changes.
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This Word Bank provides key vocabulary for writing about the Canadian Pacific Railroad.
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This activity supports writing sentences about famous Canadian inventions and discoveries.
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This Connect Set asks learners to sort Canada's industries into three categories - services, manufacturing, natural resources. Picture support is provided as an option.
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This Word Bank provides key vocabulary for writing about Canada's physiographic regions.
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This Sentence Set helps students write about bees.
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This Sentence Set will help learners write about British Columbia's natural resources.
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This activity asks learners to sort British Columbia marine plants and animals.
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This Connect Set helps students express their understanding about British Columbia food chains.
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This Sentence Set supports writing about British Columbia’s habitats and the animals that inhabit them. BC Animals in Their Habitats…
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With this Sentence Set, students practice using the carrier phrase of "I can…"
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This Set is a series of sentence starters to help teens write about their daily routines.