Pioneers Topic Dictionary Wordlist
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Middle School

About this Resource
This resource contains a topic dictionary or wordlist to support writing about Pioneers in three software formats: Kurzweil, CoWriter, and a text file. Supporting files are also included with instructions on how to create and import a wordlist in Kurzweil, how to save and share a topic dictionary in CoWriter and how to create topic lists in WordQ. This activity supports the BC Ministry of Education Prescribed Learning Outcomes for Grade 4 Social Studies – Identity, Society & Culture:
– identify effects of early contact between Aboriginal societies and European explorers and settlers
Created by Maureen LaFleche and Daphne Mercier.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Pioneers Topic Dictionary (4 KB)
Supporting Files (745 KB)