Graphic Organizers Grade 4
Learning Level: Elementary School

About this Resource
This set of 39 graphic organizers can be used with Kurzwel’s reading and study skills tools to support writing in many subject areas. Some of the organizers are: Story map, time line, cluster word web, ladder, 5 W’s. You can have students add text notes , voice notes, sticky notes to elaborate on their ideas. This activity supports the Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for English Language Arts Grade 4 Writing & Representing (Strategies) – select and use strategies before writing and representing, including
– setting a purpose
– identifying an audience
– selecting a genre and form from samples provided
– developing class-generated criteria based on analysis of the form of writing or representing
– generating, selecting, developing, and organizing ideas from personal interest, prompts, models of good literature, and/or graphics
Submitted by Jane Rondow
Under BC’s new curriculum (2016):
English Language Arts: Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy; Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works. content: Strategies and processes
Resource Files
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Graphic Organizers (584 KB)