Geographic Regions North America
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Middle School

About this Resource
Grade 9: This project includes a variety of activities to learn about the geographical regions of North American. In the Learn activity, the student can read about the basic concepts. Picture supports are available by clicking on the symbols button to the right of the text. The Vocabulary activity provides a basic definition of some of the key vocabulary. The Match activity provides a map of a geographic region to be matched with its name. The Questions activity provides multiple choice questions (4 options). This can be set with or without feedback. Finally the Wordbank activity provides a bank of key words on the topic in order to independently write. This project supports the BC Ministry of Education Prescribed Learning Outcomes for Grade 9 Socials: Environment: Europe and North America: 1500- 1815: describe and compare North America’s diverse geographical regions. Created by Kathy Ryan.
Resource Files
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