Energy Transfer Sc10 Topic Dictionary Wordlist
Learning Level: High School

About this Resource
This resource contains a topic dictionary or wordlist to support writing about energy transfer in three software formats: Kurzweil, CoWriter, and a text file. Supporting files are also included with instructions on how to create and import a wordlist in Kurzweil, how to save and share a topic dictionary in CoWriter and how to create topic lists in WordQ. If you do not have the Canadian version of Solo you can use this CoWriter topic dictionary. This activity supports the Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for Science Grade 10 – Energy – Thermal Systems:
– identify circumstances in which thermal energy is generated or transferred
– demonstrate understanding of the relationships in thermal energy transferred to or from an object, the change in the object’s temperature, the mass of the object, and its specific heat capacity
Created by Nedra Post. grade10
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Energy Transfer (3 KB)
Supporting Files (745 KB)