Chat Editor Essentials

These modules are intended as a guide to Chat Editor essentials for those supporting students using TouchChat or Nova Chat devices. Chat Editor is a Windows PC only program for customizing Chat vocabulary for AAC users. Although customizing vocabulary is possible directly on the device itself, Chat Editor conveniently allows family and/or professionals to do so when the device is not present.
After first explaining where and how to download Chat Editor to your PC, the modules will then walk you through how to use the software to back up students’ vocabulary files, customize pages, edit buttons, make adapted vocabulary strips for adapted books and create other low tech AAC materials for the classroom. The last module ties everything learned in the previous modules together so that, at the end, you will feel prepared to create your own custom pages to give your students improved curricular and social access in a more inclusive classroom. The classroom, school and home can all be made inclusive environments if our AAC users always have access to low tech AAC.