Shopping Under $20 with Pics
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About this Resource Grade 1 and others. In this project, the student is provided with a pictured item and price tag and is required to find the amount of money that will pay for the item from 4 altern…
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About this Resource Grade 1 and others. In this project, the student is provided with a pictured item and price tag and is required to find the amount of money that will pay for the item from 4 altern…
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About this Resource Grade 1. In the Label sequence, the student will learn the names of places and recognize their labels. In the Write sequence, the student can write simple sentences about places. T…
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About this Resource Grade 3. This activity provides both a "Learn" and "Write" activity. The information presented explains about the 12 different "New Years" in the luna…
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About this Resource This visual support resource focuses on safe behaviours during science lab learning. It is an example of how Boardmaker resources can support learning in any subject area. Content…
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About this Resource These sample sentence building templates, which are customized on the theme of the Postcard writing, are intended as a starting point for teachers to begin using either or both of …
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About this Resource Grade 1. In this project, the student is asked to find a clock from 4 alternatives that matches the time on the half hour. Feedback is provided on accuracy and a teacher report can…
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About this Resource Classroom schedule for primary. Resource Files Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them. Primar…
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About this Resource AAC boards for the Go Talk 4+ for use while playing Bingo. This communication board supports the Class Leader SETdirect kit, which contains a GoTalk 4+ communication dev…
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About this Resource Grade 3. This is a journal writing word bank and popup onscreen keyboard for students who access writing with a mouse. Created by Yvonne Green Resource Files Please Note: These fi…
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About this Resource There are two activities that can be created in this set of boards. Blank Memory: The first activity is a memory game. When the file is opened in Boardmaker Plus v. 6 all the cells…