The Outsiders Project
Learning Level: Middle School
About this Resource
Grade 8: This project includes a variety of activities to learn about the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. In the Read activity, the student can read a shortened version of the story. Picture supports are available by clicking on the symbols button to the right of the text. The Matching Game provides picture of a character to be matched with their name. The Match draw lines activity provides a description of a character to be matched to be matched with their picture and name by drawing lines. In Sequence Activity, the student can put pictures with verbal descriptions from the story into sequence (2 sets of 4). The Questions activity provides multiple choice questions (4 options). The Sequence activity provides the student an opportunity to sequence the story plot 4 items at a time. Finally the Wordbank activity provides a bank of key words on the topic in order to independently write. This project supports the BC Ministry of Education Prescribed Learning Outcomes for Grade 8 English Language Arts: Reading and Viewing Purposes (Reading and Viewing)
B1 read, both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of literary texts, including literature reflecting a variety of times, places, and perspectives; Thinking (Reading and Viewing) B10 synthesize and extend thinking about texts, by personalizing ideas and information and explaining relationships among ideas and information. Created by Janice Moase from KVR Middle in Kelowna and Kathy Ryan.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Outsiders Project (7 MB)