Talking Book Report with ClickerWriter

Classroom Resource

Learning Level: Elementary School

Learning Level: High School

Learning Level: Middle School

Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource

Grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7 and up. This novel studies activity provides the student with an alternate means of representing their comprehension of books read or listened to. * A pop-up voice recorder allows the student to record their book report in sections and have it read back as one sound file. If the computer has a built in microphone the student can record directly from that, otherwise a headset with microphone can be used. Students also have access to the talking word processor, Clicker Writer, for those who wish to write some words. This activity supports the BC Ministry of Education PLOs for grade 3-4 Literacy Foundations(2010): Thinking(Writing) and Purposes(Writing) and for grades 3-7 English Language Arts (2006): Reading and Writing(Purposes). Created by Jane Rondow

Resource Files

Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.