Subtraction with Base 10 Blocks
Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource
Grade 3. In this project, students can explore number value in subtraction equations by using draggable copy buttons of 1s, 10s, 100s, and 1000s to solve equations which can be written into the textbox. Four levels are available: 1s; 1s and 10s; 1s, 10s, and 100s; 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. This activity supports the BC Minsitry of Education PLOs for Mathematics/Number: demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers with answers to 1000 (limited to 1, 2 and 3-digit numerals) by: using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives; creating and solving problems in contexts that involve addition and subtraction of numbers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically. Created by Kathy Ryan.Created by Kathy Ryan.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Subtraction with Base 10 Blocks (686 KB)