Skeleton: Joints Story
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
Grade 5 and others. In this set of three activities, the student can listen to a talking book to learn about the joints of the human body, then follow-up with a Question and Answer activity to test their comprehension and a scaffolded writing activity. These activities support the BC Ministry of Education Learning Outcome for Science 5/Life Science – Human Body: describe the basic structure and functions of the human respiratory, digestive, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. This activity was developed as part of a project by staff from Coldstream Elementary School, SD#22: Lisa Laboucane, Shane Lalonde, Gisele Andrews, Lillian Mann, Lisa Elder, Krista Sawatsky and Dani Jurisson with help from SET-BC consultant, Vicky Midtdal.
Under BC’s new curriculum (2016):
Science Grade 5: basic structures and functions of body systems (including skeletal)
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Skeleton: Joints Story (2 MB)
Skeleton: Joints Q&A ALL (1 MB)
Skeleton: Joints Sentence Building (753 KB)