SETdirect Photo Op Kit – Core Board
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Middle School
Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource
This communication board with core vocabulary was created to support the Photo Op SETdirect kit, which contains a switch accessible camera, clamp-mount, talking photo album, and Jelly Bean Twist Switch. This resource is meant as inspiration on how to involve a student with communication needs in a classroom activity.
Simply print the PDF (portrait orientation, fit sizing) on letter-sized paper.
All communication symbols were generated in Boardmaker.
SETdirect is a SET-BC provincial initiative designed to provide BC school district teams with access to simple technology kits that support and encourage social inclusion for students with complex needs. For more information on the SETdirect kits, visit:
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Photo Op Kit Core Board (920 KB)