SD: People Search
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Middle School
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
Elementary and middle school: This is an adapted "people search" activity which enables students to participate. They can listen to the statements and use the webcam feature to "sign" their names to the statement. It is based on a first day of class activity presented in the book, "Student Diversity, Classroom strategies to meet the learning needs of all students," by Faye Brownlie, Catherine Feniak and Leyton Schnellert. The book states, " participating in this People Search on the first day alerts the students to the fact that this is a class where talking is expected. You can add more pages to the activity by going into edit mode. To view a demonstration video on using and adapting this activity, please download the accompanying demonstration video. Created by SET-BC.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Demonstration Video: Use & Adapt People Search Activity (16 MB)
People Search (627 KB)