Planning a Story / Topic Activity
Learning Level: Elementary School

About this Resource
Grade 4: This activity is designed to assist writers plan their (fiction or nonfiction) writing topic. This book is in place of a planning topic graphic organizer. Using the pages of the book the student will plan information on how they will communicate information about a story/topic they are writing. On page one the student determines the purpose of his/her writing and selects one of the suggestions from the pop-up. On the following pages they answer information and questions related to their topic. Some students may choose to write their answer and/or record it in the cell. (Just a reminder that if you are going to use the record feature that you have to put the Clickerset in Run Mode. Please see the Clicker 6 page in the Learning Centre for a demonstration on using Run Mode in the Make a Book Template). In the adjacent cell they have a choice of drawing a picture, adding a picture from the available libraries or using the webcam to take a picture.
This activity supports the BC Ministry of Education PLOs for grade 4 – Writing and Representing Strategies: Select and use strategies before writing and representing, including setting a purpose and identifying an audience and organizing ideas. Created by Maureen Lafleche.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Planning a Story Topic Activity (233 KB)