Personal Safety Boundaries
Clicker Version 8
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
kindergarten, grade1, grade 2. This Clicker grid set is a unit of activities designed to support Early Learners who are learning about their personal safety boundaries with family, friends, community helpers, acquaintances and strangers.
This activity supports the Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for Kindergarten Health – Healthy Relationships: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate ways to express feelings; differentiate between positive and negative behaviours in relationships. Created by Jane Wiltse and Trish Klassen.
Under BC’s new curriculum (2016): Physical and Health Education K, 1, 2, 3: Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships; appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched; caring behaviours in groups and families
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Personal Safety Boundaries (9 MB)