Communicating with Lenix

News & Stories
Student playing on an iPad in the classroom

Lenix is a very happy and social Grade 2 student at Okanagan Falls Elementary who has autism and Down syndrome. He received SET-BC support to provide him with more opportunities to connect and communicate with his peers and learning environment. With the support of his classroom teacher and education assistant, Lenix has made great strides in his ability to communicate. And he is now more included in his classroom community.

Before receiving SET-BC support, Lenix had some difficulty communicating his needs at school. Those who spoke with him phrased questions so that he could answer with a simple yes or no. Or they provided many visual cues, as this was easier to understand. But after receiving an iPad with TouchChat, Lenix has been better able to express himself.  He can now share more about his family and interests, not only with his classroom teacher and education assistant, but with his peers as well.

The following video highlights how Lenix is using his technology to communicate and share his interests with others.