Canucks Schedule
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
Grade 4 and hockey fans. This is an activity at 2 levels: Canucks Schedule is a simplified version while Canucks Schedule Click & Edit allows some entering of text and images on each calendar cell. This is a calendar of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team home and away games for the 2013-2-14 season. Home games are blue and away games are green. Students click on the game days and select win or loss from the popup to keep track of the teams progress. This activity supports the BC Ministry of Education Learning Outcome for Mathematics/Grade 4/Shape and Space/Measurement: read and record calendar dates in a variety of formats. Created by SET-BC.
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Canucks Schedule Click&Edit (1 MB)
Canucks Schedule with Logo (327 KB)