Canadian Provinces, Territories, Capitals and Bodies of Water

Clicker Version 8

Custom Set

Learning Level: Elementary School

Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource

Grade 3, grade 5 and others. In this activity, students will learn about the Canadian provinces and territories, their capitals and bodies of water. Knowledge can be assessed using a sentence completion task (Write), a free writing task (Wordbanks), labelling the provinces, territories, adjacent countries and bodies of water using pop-ups (Label) and matching the province to capital tasks (Match). These activities support the BC Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for: Grade 3 Social Studies/Human and Physical Characteristiecs: locate major landforms and bodies of water in BC and Canada, and Grade 5 Social Studies/Skills and Processes: use maps and timelines to locate, interpret, and represent major physical, political, and economic features of BC and Canada. Created by Kathy Ryan.Updated by SET-BC March 2014.

Under BC’s new curriculum:
Social Studies 4: physiographic features and natural resources of Canada , and Social Studies 5: the development and evolution of Canadian identity over time

Resource Files

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