Balanced Literacy: In the Grass Unit
Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource
In these integrated gridsets, the student will demonstrate understanding of the story, "In the Grass" in the Balanced Literacy Program by: 1) completing a forced order sentence completion task in the "I understand" gridset 2) identifying the words in the story when they are presented verbally in a field of 4, errorless learning task in "My new words" 3) identifying sounds from a field of five sounds in the "Sounds" gridset (n, sn, fr, gr and sl) 4) practising writing words ending in "in", "op" and "ake" in the "Word families" gridset.
This activity supports the BC Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for elementary English Language Arts (Reading) Grade 1:
– use knowledge of word patterns, word families, and letter-sound relationships to decode unknown words and recognize an increasing number of high-frequency words.
Original created by Kathy Ryan. Updated 2013 to include modelled sentences.
Resource Files
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