Accessing ARC-BC PowerPoint Books with Eye Gaze

image of alligator accessible book page

This resource is designed to support students at level 3 of the Eye Gaze continuum to access ARC-BC’s PowerPoint Show book repository. We have created “PowerPoint Show Reader” pagesets for both Communicator 5 and Grid 3 to allow Eye Gaze users to access ARC-BC’s library of PowerPoint Show books.

With the assistance of a support person to convert and open any .PPS book, the pageset templates we have created will allow the user to turn the pages with the full desktop version of PowerPoint.

On the Resources tab of this page, you will find a checklist of steps to follow to find, import and use these templates. Happy reading! There are also four short videos to guide you through the process:

  1. ARC-BC Books
  2. PowerPoint setup
  3. Grid 3 setup
  4. Communicator 5 setup