About Plants Book
Learning Level: Elementary School
Learning Level: High School
Learning Level: Middle School
Learning Level: Primary School

About this Resource
A book about plants and how they grow created in BoardmakerPlus. It supports the BC Ministry of Education Learning Outcome for Grade 1 Science: describe the basic needs of local plants and animals. It provides background knowledge for the Grade 3 Science Learning Outcome: compare familiar plants according to similarities and differences in appearance and life cycles. Created by Maureen LaFleche and Daphne Mercier and updated for Boardmaker Studio by Kathy Ryan.
Under BC’s new curriculum (2016):
Science K: Plants and animals have observable features, basic needs of plants and animals, adaptations of local plants and animals
Science Grade 1: Names of local plants and animals
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
About Plants Book (277 KB)
About Plants Book (810 KB)