3 x’s Table
Clicker Version 8
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
This gridset is designed to support students learning multiplication by 3.
In the Read about the concept gridset, the student is shown multiples of through with pictures.
In the Show the concept gridset, the student makes his/her own book using Clicker Paint about the multiples of 3 that are indicated in print.
In the Errorless Practice in Sequence gridset, the student learns the 3 x’s table in sequence. 5 alternative answers are provided and only the correct answer is accepted.
In the Practice in Sequence gridset, the student practices the 3 x’s table in sequence, selecting the answer from 5 alternatives.
In the Mixed Practice gridset, the student practices multiples of 3 in mixed order, selecting the answer from 5 alternatives. This activity supports the Ministry of Education Learning Outcomes for Mathematics- demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5 by
– representing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping and arrays
– creating and solving problems in context that involve multiplication
– modelling multiplication using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically
– relating multiplication to repeated addition
– relating multiplication to division. Created by Kathy Ryan. grade 3
Resource Files
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
3Xs Tables C6 (5 MB)
3x tables (2 MB)